Enhancing the User Experience: Navigating to external browser on a button click.
High level resolution steps
· Create a Class and Implement Code for External Browser Navigation.
· Create a button in the form and Use clicked method to call the class.
Detailed resolution steps
Step1: Create a class using appropriate naming conventions and incorporate the provided code within the class to enable navigation to an external browser.

class SCCExternalBrowser
/// It helps in navigating to the external browser.
/// Args
public static void main(Args _args)
if (_args.record() && _args.record().TableId == tablenum(“Your Table”))
SCCEmployeeTable saina = _args.record();
Browser browser = new Browser();
str sainaURL = strFmt("Your URL");
What does the above code does?
· The code checks if the provided Args object has a record and if that record belongs to the “Your Table”.
· If the condition is met, it creates an instance of the Browser class.
· It forms a URL string “Add your URL”.
· The Browser instance then navigates to the specified URL using the navigate method.
Step 2: Open the form, create a button and override the ‘Clicked’ method to implement custom functionality when the button is clicked.

In the clicked method, call the “SCCExternalBrowser” class which helps in navigating to the external browser.

class Company
/// Passes the current record args to the SCCExternalBrowser class.
public void clicked()
Args args = new Args();
Once the Company URL button is clicked, It will navigate us to the contact page.

The URL navigates to the below page.

Ramcharan Raj Pallavarapu