How to use unmapped string control and override post load method in data entities?
Scenario: Creating the unmapped control (virtual field) in the data entity and when exported the data entity implementing the business logic for the field control.
High Resolution steps
- Create the data entity with the virtual field.
- Override the post load method to write the logic.
- Export the data entity.
Detailed Resolution steps
Step 1: Create the data entity with the virtual field.
Navigation: FPInformationDataEntity àFields à New à String Unmapped Field
Note : Set the IsComputedField Property NO

Step2: For the above data entity override post load method
Note: Write the logic required to implement on data entity.

Code Explanation: Here we have written the logic for concatenating the first and last name.
Code Snippet:

public void postLoad()
this.FullName = this.FirstName + ' ' +this.LastName;
Step 3: Export the data entity and the virtual field will be displayed.

Note: After exporting the data entity, we can download the file in Excel format.

After exporting the data entity to the Excel file, the unmapped field will contain the value.