We keep getting SQL error with error Code (-2147015414) when we try to use the canvas app in
offline mode specifically when you have Relationship between tables.
High level resolution steps
- To tackle the situation, we have to set the mobile offline profile in Admin Centre page when we
want to use the apps offline seamlessly between online/offline.
Detailed resolution steps
Step 1: Create an offline profile by navigating to https://admin.powerplatform.microsoft.com/
Step 2: Navigate to the environment where your app is being developed.
Step 3: Go to settings >> Navigate to Mobile offline Profile and click on New Profile as shown below:

Step 4: Now Add the tables by navigating to the option as shown below:

Step 5: Once you add the desired tables, provide the permission to access “All rows” and tick the
relationships to where the tables have been linked as shown below:

Step 6: Now Save and Publish the profile settings.
Step 7: Now you should navigate to Canvas App >> Click on App Settings once you are in edit mode of the app you are building.
Step 8: Now provide the setting profile you created in Admin center to the canvas app offline profile as shown below:

Now publish the app and use the app in online/offline mode
You can transact the records seamlessly without any SQL Errors

Technical Consultant – Enjoys created low code applications using Power platform, skilled at creating automate flow using Power automate and Power Virtual agents.