To create custom buttons in Model driven app with the help of Ribbon workbench using JavaScript Code.
High level resolution steps
- With the help of Library Resource (JavaScript code) the custom button can be added into home page, subgrid or form using Ribbon Workbench.
- The button which I have showcased here is to change the status reason of the record on click of the button.
- On click of Custom button “Approve”, the status reason should be changed to “approved” and on click of custom button “Reject”, the status reason should be changed to “Rejected”.
Detailed resolution steps
Step 1
- Write a JavaScript Code in Notepad as Below and Follow the rules marked in Yellow and Green: –

Figure 1 – This code is for Approve button and on click of the button the status changes from “Not Submitted” to “Approved”.

Figure 2 – This code is for Approve button and on click of the button the status changes from “not Submitted” to “Rejected”.
Step 2 –
- Import the JavaScript Code to your Solution in model driven app as shown below: –

Figure 3 – Uploading a JavaScript File to your Solution in Model Driven App.
Step 3 –
• Navigate to Ribbon Workbench under Advanced Settings > Customization > Solutions > Ribbon Workbench.
Step 4 –
• Drag and drop the “button” from the Toolbox visible on the left side to Form area as shown below in the picture:

Figure 4 – Drag and Drop a button into Form Area and rename it as your wish.
• After Adding a new button, properties control opens up and give the inputs as below:

Figure 5 – Properties control shows up and then Property ID is auto generated and give Label, Alt, Tool tip tile as you wish.
Step 5 –
- Add Command in the below middle pane then the properties show up and the command property ID will be auto generated.
- In library add the webresource you imported in the Step 1.
- Add the Same Function name that you had given in the JavaScript Code.
- Click on Add parameter and select CRM Parameter from the Dropdown
- And under Value dropdown select Primary control.
- Refer the below picture and follow the markings for your convenience:

Figure 6 – Command Properties to be inputted as explained in Step 5
Step 6 –
• The Same Steps can be followed for Reject button (Code given in Step 1) to reject a record (By Updating the status as reject on click of that button).
- As you can see Custom buttons (Approve and Reject) is appearing in the form and the initial status is in “Not Submitted” State as shown below:

- Now I’ll go ahead and click on the Approve Button, so the status gets changed to “Approved” as shown below for the same record:

- Now, let’s check the functionality of the Reject Button, The record shown below is in “Not Submitted” state.

- Now I’ll go ahead and click on the Reject Button, so the status gets changed to “Rejected” as shown below for the same record:

5. Reference links
- You can Give security role access for the custom buttons created via Ribbon Workbench.
- The Button can be made Visible to one user and disabled for the other.