We had a situation in model driven apps where custom buttons created in Ribbon Workbench did not have direct security role access (Enabling custom buttons for one particular user and disable for another).
Though we give only read access via security role for entities, the custom button used to appear which had no sense or functionality.
Note – This Blog is helpful for custom buttons only that were already created using Ribbon Workbench.
High level resolution steps
With the help of Library Resource (JavaScript code) the custom button can be enabled/disabled for the user as you wish.
Calling the Library resource via Ribbon Workbench where the custom button was already created in your model driven app.
Detailed resolution steps
Step 1: Write a JavaScript Code in Notepad as Below and Follow the rules marked in Yellow and Green: –

Step 2: Save the file with extension “.js”.
Step 3: Import the JavaScript Code to your Solution in model driven app as shown below:

Upload a new web resource as JS file here which contains your code, give any display name as you wish and give any logical name.
In the Dropdown under “Type” selection – Choose “JavaScript (JS)” and finally save it.
Step 4: Open Your Ribbon Workbench and Open Solution where the entity was added that contains custom buttons as shown below.

Once you select your entity, the custom buttons appear which you had created earlier.
Select the Custom button you want to Enable or Disable.
Once Selected, Properties for the button show up.
Straight Away, add a new “ENABLE RULE” as shown below:

Step 5: After adding an enable rule for one button, you have to click on “ADD STEP” on the right pane as shown below and give the same function name that was in your code (HideApproveButton) and upload your JS File that was added earlier in Step 3 under the library option using search button.

Step 6: You need to Add new Command and a new Property ID will be auto generated.
Once added, you need to click on “Add Enable Rule” on the right pane and select the enable rule option in the dropdown that was created earlier in the previous step named (abcd.abcd_sampletable.approve.EnableRule) as shown below:

Step 7: You can do the same procedure for Reject button as well. As well as you can Write multiple codes in the same JS file with unique function name.
After everything is done, Click on Publish in Ribbon Workbench.
Step 8: Custom Buttons (Approve/Reject) is enabled for one Security Role user named “Trevor Philips” when Flag = true is given in the code.