How to take app backup from PowerApps into Azure Dev Ops code repository.
High level resolution steps
- Here I’m taking examples where I have one app inside Solution and I’m taking backup of that into Azure Dev Ops repository.
Detailed resolution steps
Step 1: Here I’m taking examples where I have an app name as “Amount Calculation”. We have to
open this app and select the “Setting” option.

Step 2: Now select the “Updates” and search for “Show the Git version control setting”. In starting it will be in disabled state we need to enable that setting. After enabling the new option will get enabled that is “Git version control”.

Step 3: Now we need to select the “Git version control” and select the “Connect” button. After
selecting “Connect a Git Repository” popup will appear like the below image.

Step 4: For Git repository URL we need to move to Azure Dev Ops and there we need to create “New Project”.
Step 5: Now open the Azure dev ops and login your credentials and you will find the “New Project”
button. After selecting “New Project” popup will appear to create new project. After filling in all the
required fields click on “Create” button.

Step 6: New project created as we can see in the below image

Step 7: Now go to “Repos” section and in that “File”. In that you will get “Clone to your computer URL”. Cope that URL and save it to your notepad for further use. After that in the footer to the body you’ll find the “Initialize” option, click that “Initialize” button to initialize the main branch.

Step 8: After “Initialize” you’ll get the screen like the below one

Step 9: Now we’ll move to PowerApps where we left, we need to add the “Git repository URL” that is nothing but “Clone to your computer URL” which we had already copied. Paste it in “Git repository URL”.
“Branch” is “main” that you can see highlighted in the “Step 8”. Whatever name mentioned in the azure dev ops branch you have to mention that in PowerApps.
“Directory name” you can give as per you wish. Here I’m giving “test”.

After that click on “Apply”. New popup will appear “Sign in to your repository”. In that we have to enter “Username” and “Personal access token”. We have to create “Personal access token” in Azure dev ops

Step 10: Go to Azure Dev Ops select “User Setting” and the “Personal access token”. In that we need to create a new token by clicking on “New Token”.

Step 11: After selecting the “New Token” popup will appear in that we need to select the required
information like name, expiration, we want full access or custom defined.

After adding we have to click “Create” button, we will get the token that token will be accessible only on that to save it in the notepad and secure it.

Step 12: Now in PowerApps we need to add the login id in “Username” and generated token in “Personal access token” and click on “Sign in” button

You’ll get popup create directory just click on the “Yes” button. And your git will get connected with your PowerApps.

Git will get connected to PowerApps and in azure dev ops we can see the folder.
PowerApps Connection:

Azure Dev Ops Folder:-

Technical Consultant – Interested in creating stunning Power BI dashboards and interest towards Power Apps applications.