How to multiselect values and update status on click of a button

When user selects multiple records and click on button, status should be updated for selected records.

High level resolution steps

  • Create new button in the required form and override clicked method.
  • Set the button property, multi-select option as “Yes” and show row labels as “Yes”.
  • Write the code in Button clicked method using the MultiSelectionHelper class. 

Detailed resolution steps

Step 1  

Create a button in the required form. Set the button property, multi-select option as “Yes” & Auto declaration as “Yes”. Make sure the grid properties of the form, multi select as “Yes” and Show Row Labels as “yes”.

Step 2

Override the clicked method from button and write the following code.


class BulkIssue


public void clicked()


//For multi select option:

MultiSelectionHelper selectionHelper = MultiSelectionHelper::construct();//Create instance of class

Set selectedRecords = new Set(Types::Record);//Declare a set of type record


ISLEAMWorkOrderItemConsumptionTable workOrderItemConsumptionTable,   workOrderItemConsumptionTableUpd; //Your table buffer

selectionHelper.parmDataSource(ISLEAMWorkOrderItemConsumptionTable_DS);   //Set the datasource

workOrderItemConsumptionTable = selectionHelper.getFirst(); //assign to table buffer the reference   to selected record(s)

if  (workOrderItemConsumptionTable.RecId)


while  (workOrderItemConsumptionTable)



info(strFmt(“Selected record.. %1”,workOrderItemConsumptionTable.WOItemConsumptionStatus));//Display selected record

// For updating status for button click


while select forupdate workOrderItemConsumptionTableUpd

where workOrderItemConsumptionTableUpd.RecId ==   workOrderItemConsumptionTable.RecId 


if(workOrderItemConsumptionTableUpd.WOItemConsumptionStatus   == ISLEAMWOItemConsumptionStatus::Requested)


workOrderItemConsumptionTableUpd.WOItemConsumptionStatus =   ISLEAMWOItemConsumptionStatus::Issued;






workOrderItemConsumptionTable   = selectionHelper.getNext();







Multi-select option available for a button.

Once multiple records selected and click “BulkIssue” button, the status changed into “Issued” for selected records.   

Blog written by   

Nihal V Naik | Dynamics 365 for Operations team.

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