How to Run Car Report

How to run CAR report


After completing the development, the developer needs to run CAR report. CAR report checks deeply and shows some left out BP fixes.

High level resolution steps

We can follow the below steps to run CAR report.

->Open Command prompt.

->Run the below mentioned command.

->Navigate to the stored CAR report.

Detailed resolution steps

Step 1: Navigate to Command prompt and use the drive where package local directory is stored.

Step 2: Run the below command to Run car report

Here first we have packages local directory path,

-all -model = model name

-car = “file path where you need to store the CAR report”

c:\AosService\PackagesLocalDirectory\bin\xppbp.exe -metadata=”c:\AosService\PackagesLocalDirectory” -all -model=”YourModelName” -xmlLog=C:\temp\BPCheckLogcd.xml -module=”YourModuleName” -car=c:\temp\CAReport.xls

Run the command, it will show how many warnings are there.


CAR report will be stored in the given path

Open the excel, in the best practice warning tab. You will have all the warnings