How to Create a Key Vault in Azure Portal?

How to create an Azure key Vault. 

Scenario: Basically, Azure key vault is a cloud service for securely storing and accessing secrets. Which needs to have a control access such as API keys, passwords, certificates, or cryptographic keys. 

High level resolution steps 

    • Creation of endpoint. 
    • Key Vault Information. 

    Detailed resolution steps 

      Step 1: Navigate to Azure portal menu, or from the Home page, select Create a resource

      Search for Key Vault and select the key vault from the results list. 

      On the selection of Key vault provide the required information 

      Under Resource Group, choose  Create new and enter a resource group name. 

      In the Region pull-down menu, choose a region. After providing the information above, select Create

      On the click of create the resource will get resource deployment will get succeeded. 

      Navigate to the secrets under object and create a secret.

      Provide the below information and the key vault can be used. 

      Secret value – Should be the URL to which point the data should be sent.