How to Set up Postman to Generate Token?

How to set-up post man to generate token, which is used to authorize the other requests. 

High level resolution steps 

  • Download and install the Postman app or open the Postman web application. 
  • Sign up using your email credentials. 
  • Register the app in Azure to obtain the Tenant ID, Client ID, and Client Secret. 
  • Create a new request and configure it for token generation. 

Steps 1: Download and install the Postman app or open the Postman web application using this link.

Steps 2: Sign up using your email credentials 

Postman setup showing a new request created for token generation in Azure.

Steps 3: Register the app in Azure to obtain the Tenant ID, Client ID, and Client Secret. Follow the below blog to do the app registration. 

Steps 4: Create new workspace and set it access accordingly.  

Postman collections interface displaying a new request added for token generation.

Steps 4: Add new collections by clicking + icon; Rename the collections as required; Click three dotted on collections and select “Add request”

Postman Get request configured with a URL for Azure token retrieval.

Steps 5: Provide the below link in Get request. Change the Tenant Id you got from app registration in this link. 

Steps 6: Select Body -> Form-data; Provide key as same in the below screen shot and value should be changed according to your credentials get from Azure.  

Note: For Grant_Type key and value are same as in the below screenshot. Provide your environment URL in resource. 

Postman form-data setup with keys and values for generating tokens from Azure credentials.

Steps 7: Click the send button to get the token in the Response area. 

Postman response area showing a successfully generated token.