Important table methods in Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations

public class POLMobileServiceTable extends common
    /// When i initialize a record, this method will be triggered
    /// This method is not responsible for saving the record to database
    /// Rather it assigns value to BUFFER
    public void initValue()

        this.ServiceStartDate       = systemDateGet();
        this.ExpectedDeliveryDate   = systemDateGet() + 5;

    /// Validate delivery date and service amount
    public boolean validateWrite()
        boolean ret;
        ret = super();

        //If all the previous valdiations have passed?
        if (ret)
            //Then check for the date validation
            if (this.ServiceStartDate > this.ExpectedDeliveryDate)
                //error("Expected delivery date cannot be lesser than service start date.");
                //ret = false;

                ret = checkFailed("Expected delivery date cannot be lesser than service start date.");

            //If all the previous valdiations have passed?
            if (ret && this.ExpectedServiceAmount <= 0)
                ret = checkFailed("Expected service amount should be specified.");
        return ret;

    public boolean validateDelete()
        boolean ret;
        ret = super();

        if (ret)
            if (this.ServiceStatus == POLServiceStatus::Delivered)
                ret = checkFailed("Service status with Delivered, cannot be allowed to delete.");
        return ret;

    public void modifiedField(FieldId _fieldId)

            case fieldNum(POLMobileServiceTable, ModelID):
                //1st way
                //if (this.ModelID == "Samsung")
                //    this.ExpectedServiceAmount = 2000;
                //else if (this.ModelID == "Sony")
                //    this.ExpectedServiceAmount = 1500;
                //else if (this.ModelID == "Apple")
                //    this.ExpectedServiceAmount = 3000;

                //2nd way
                //POLModelTable  polModelTable;

                //select * from polModelTable
                //    where polModelTable.ModelID == this.ModelID; //current selection

                //3rd way
                //POLModelTable  polModelTable = POLModelTable::find(this.ModelID);
                //this.ExpectedServiceAmount = polModelTable.MinimumServiceAmount;

                //best way for writing
                this.ExpectedServiceAmount = POLModelTable::find(this.ModelID).MinimumServiceAmount;

    public static POLMobileServiceTable find(POSServiceID _serviceID, boolean _forUpdate = false)
        POLMobileServiceTable polMobileServiceTable;

        if (_serviceID)

            select * from polMobileServiceTable
                index hint ServiceIdx
                where polMobileServiceTable.ServiceID == _serviceID;

        return polMobileServiceTable;
