Expert Insights on Dynamics 365, Power Platform and CRM: Solutions, Tutorials, and Best Practices

Class inheritance
Coding and Extensions
Saina Cloud Software Solutions

Class inheritance in Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations

ClassA{public void print(){print “ClassA”;}public void printClassA(){print “ClassA”;}} ClassB extends ClassA{public void print(){print “ClassB”;super();}public void print(str _printMessage){print _printMessage;}public void printVal(str _printMessage){print _printMessage;} } Overloading – PolymorphismOverriding – Inheritance

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Usage of args object in forms
Coding and Extensions
Saina Cloud Software Solutions

Usage of args object in forms in Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations

internal final class POLUpdateAsDelivered{public static void main(Args _args){if (_args.record() && _args.record().TableId == tableNum(POLMobileServiceTable)){POLMobileServiceTable polServiceTable = _args.record(); //Current selected record from the grid.POLMobileServiceTable polServiceTableUpd = POLMobileServiceTable::find(polServiceTable.ServiceID, true); }

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