How to Fix Unable to Start Trace Error in D365FO

How to fix “Unable to start trace – the required event providers were not found. Contact your system administrator”.

High level resolution steps

We can follow the below steps to fix the “Unable to start trace – the required event providers were not found. Contact your system administrator ” errorS.

  • Navigate to windows PowerShell.
  • Run the command below.

Detailed resolution steps

Step 1: when we run the trace for first time in Dev environment we get below error

This issue occurs when we don’t have dynamics in event viewer.

Step 2: Navigate to windows PowerShell from search.

Step 3: Run the command below under – C:\Temp This Command Installs all the necessary DLL’s

$AOSSetupETWManifestDir = "C:\AosService\WebRoot\Monitoring"
foreach ($manifestFile in Get-ChildItem -Path $AOSSetupETWManifestDir\*.man | select-object -Property BaseName,Name)
   if ((Test-Path
   $dllFile =
   elseif ((Test-Path
     $dllFile = "$AOSSetupETWManifestDir\$($manifestFile.BaseName)Resource.dll"
   elseif ((Test-Path "$AOSSetupETWManifestDir\$($manifestFile.BaseName).dll")
   $dllFile = "$AOSSetupETWManifestDir\$($manifestFile.BaseName).dll"
     Write-Host "Warn : Skipping $AOSSetupETWManifestDir\$($manifestFile.Name) as DLL not found"
   Write-Host "Installing $AOSSetupETWManifestDir\$($manifestFile.Name) using $dllFile"
   wevtutil.exe im "$AOSSetupETWManifestDir\$($manifestFile.Name)" /rf:"$dllFile" /mf:"$dllFile"
   Write-Host "Finished installing $AOSSetupETWManifestDir\$($manifestFile.Name) `n`n"

Once the command is completed executing, Restart the VM.

Once the system is restarted, you can see the Dynamics in event viewer. Now you can run the Trace.